
Acupuncture is a method of supporting the body/mind systems and their natural healing processes. This method originated in East Asia over 4000 years ago, in its modern practice acupuncture forms treatments from a rational, customized, evidenced-based system. Acupuncture uses fine needles to insert specific places to stimulate the body to heal itself. By using a variety of methods (heat, cuppin... Read More

Acupuncture is a method of supporting the body/mind systems and their natural healing processes. This method originated in East Asia over 4000 years ago, in its modern practice acupuncture forms treatments from a rational, customized, evidenced-based system. Acupuncture uses fine needles to insert specific places to stimulate the body to heal itself. By using a variety of methods (heat, cupping, pressure, needles etc.) acupuncturists are able to restore healthy functions in the body resolving many acute and chronic health issues.

Massage Therapy

Massage is a type of integrative medicine in which a Licensed massage therapist rubs and kneads skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. A massage therapist may use only their hands, a variety of IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) tools like graston, cups, and other tools to aid in loosening up the muscles and connective tissues. Massage benefits are decreased pain, inflammation,... Read More

Massage is a type of integrative medicine in which a Licensed massage therapist rubs and kneads skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. A massage therapist may use only their hands, a variety of IASTM (Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization) tools like graston, cups, and other tools to aid in loosening up the muscles and connective tissues. Massage benefits are decreased pain, inflammation, increased range of motion, etc.

I follow a simple philosophy of serving my clients with a customized holistic and therapeutic approach that lasts. I believe having a soothing atmosphere will invigorate the mind and body just as much as the right type of therapeutic approach. Also, I am passionate about sharing my years of knowledge and experience with the many holistic modalities to empower you to make educated choices about your health in order to feel your best. No single approach to healing is suitable for every individual, which is why I have spent many years learning various holistic healthcare techniques. I specialize in Acupuncture, East Asian Medicine, and Massage. ​

I follow a simple philosophy of serving my clients with a customized holistic and therapeutic app... Read More

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